So, whenever I go out somewhere I usually try to bring my camera with me. This blog will be made up of a variety of photos taken in the random areas where I have been. I often take MANY shots, but only really like a few. So here's a spot where I can post the few that I like.
This is my Dog, Max. He's a Golden Doodle (awesome name, eh?); part Golden Retriever/Poodle mix.

Bryden's is the classic spot to find old high school friends, and others who you haven't seen in years. But as everything else in this town, the younger crowd has moved in, dispersing the people I know, leaving only the 'lifers' left to hold the fort.

Someone drew a smiley face on the glass. Plus, i thought the Bruce Lee statue looked pretty cool. (I told you these photos were random!)

In this house it is the dogs who have to 'beware of the cats'. Maybe the sign is aimed at little dogs... or maybe they keep tigers?