Coming to Korea seems like such a blur to me. But then again, so does the last few months. I went from SSU, a safe, secure, consistent home, to living at home; traveling to Scotland; staying at my cottage; and then just bouncing around seeing friends before I jet out of the country. And now that that's done, it almost feels like I have to catch up to myself. The camp job is pretty intense as well; there seems to be very little free time. This weekend Becky and I get to travel to Jeonju to visit Rachel, Becky's sister. I'm looking forward to the weekend, catching up, not only on sleep but on life in the past little while. Here's a few pictures from the trip thus far. My facebook has a bunch of shots up as well and you can check that out at .

Korean BBQ. Jeremy suggested I check it out. It was pretty awesome. The brown stuff in the jugs are 'brown rice water', and it taste... like water that rice has been sitting in. It's almost like a tea.

I thought this was a cool picture.

Don't you want to go in here?! Hof and Soju... pretty much like a bar. Soju is their type of local wine/hard alcohol. It's 21% and taste (in my opinion) similar to vodka. Hof I believe, is other alcoholic drinks. I did think this picture was pretty funny though.

This is one of the kids from my class - a pretty funny guy.

This is a picture of me. Or rather, a picture of the guys drawing a picture of me.

Ok. So, the camp is made up of six different classes that are based on skill level. Each of those classes has their own classrooms named after a well known school in the US. So I can actually say that "I teach English at Stanford University". Pretty cool eh?

Hey, glad all is going well. Nice to see some pics and great stories that go with them. Great that your at the camp so by the time you get to the "real school" you should have a few more words under your belt.Any more about Busan? Isn't it great working with kids!! so glad your having this experience...ttys, love ya
Hey Chris, sounds like a good time. Teaching all day is tiring, hey? I'm glad classes are a bit shorter at SSU. And I'm glad you liked the BBQ - so good!!
Hey Seto
Been thinking of you brotha... glad to hear about things on the ground in Korea. Sounds intense!
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