disclaimer: this entry is unedited and ... made up of various thoughts that may, or may not fit together.. it's your free time.. spend it wisely.
two things that i am beginning to understand:
our human life is finite.
every moment has worth.
there is a problems though.. how does one respond to these two truths? do we use every second we have to try to fill our heads with knowledge and experience, and try to squeeze every last drop of life we can come across before the curtains close? or, do we relax and do anything or nothing because we know that life is not endless? obviously there can be no real objective answer, but that everyone will see the meaning of life in their own way. my view falls dangerously on the former response. i say dangerously, only because - one can go crazy if they never truly rest and relax.
this isn't meant to be a depressing note, but more of a thoughtful one. it's a serious question: how do we go about living our lives? and i definitely don't expect any answer (i imagine that most people ask this question to themselves, in one form or another, daily).
i had no real intention on blogging tonight, but as i wondered around my little apartment with so many aspirations about what i could do with my free time, i felt completely overwhelmed with possibilities. this is a positive thing isn't it? there are so many without, while i'm here wondering about how to spend my time when i'm not working at my high paying job in a foreign country. it's just, the opportunities that i've been given- the social class i grew up in- makes me feel a kind of responsibility with how i spend my time. i don't know if i am alone in feeling this, or if this is a good thing or bad thing, but i think.. that it's a good thing.
a friend of mine once said "we (as fellow human beings) are responsible for the quality of life in this world", and.. i like this. the notion of responsibility, how we are obligated to improve life if it is at all possible. i am also beginning to think that the more possibilities that we have, the more responsibility we are given..
haha, listen to me - the idealist.
the blog started out with me wondering how to spend my free time wisely, and i'll bring it back to that now.
i guess everyone need to find out on their own how to spend their time in such a way that brings life to that individual - be it learning online, watching re-runs of seinfeld, or playing halo 2 on the old x-box. is there such a thing as wasted time? some would say yes, and others would say no, but i guess the final call lies on the shoulders of the individual. does this mean that one man's solitaire addiction is worth just as much as another's research in finding cures for cancer? i suppose to each individual - both endeavors are equal. but the global population, the latter might actually make an impact, and better someone else's life.
so maybe that's the bottom line; that responsibility resulting from ones opportunities is only a weight that is added subjectively to the shoulders of those who do not feel a big enough burden with their own lives? basically, if we want to change the world for the better, we should feel welcome to do so - but there is no real obligation for anyone to do so.. however, if everyone only looked out for themselves, rather than giving something back, i don't think we as a species would have made it this far.. (how far have we made it anyways?)
geez... i gotta stop writing these before i sleep..
does this post make sense? although i think blogs are more honest when they are written this way, i also feel like i should start writing smaller entries. free time is a precious thing.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
free time = responsibility??
Posted by
11:50 PM
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This is awesome. I've been feeling the same thoughts lately (yes, you can 'feel' thoughts). This blog hits the mark.
wu wu seto!!! i feel like i've just bumped into you in a crowd, but i'm on the internet! fantastic blog. in my opinion, writing when you have no intention of doing it, and are somewhat tired, often yields the most real and honest entries. keep them coming*
heart (love) steph
heh. that's my kind of randomness.
i'll just make one little comment that may enlighten (or obscure): it's fascinating how monetary adjectives color our talk about time, no? "free" time and "wasted" time...
just causin trouble :)
wow Matt! you are causin trouble! not only do we discuss time in terms often tied to money, but our 'free' time only exists (for many at least) when we not out there making money. Funny... so to increase our free time, thus increasing our obligation, we get less income and the world becomes a better place?
i must not have added it up right, it's too easy.
great post, my inquisitive friend.
(i agree with steph, unedited can be best)
i wondered today why i look down on people who spend all their non-working time at home watching tv.
perhaps i expect more from people. ...but should i necessarily?
i certainly expect more from myself, but i can see the temptation to just shut off your brain and passively consume airwaves after a long day of work.
you don't have to deal with other people, and you don't even have to deal with yourself. it's easy.
ultimately if your "work" day is fulfilling and challenging it will energize you, even if it's stressful.
so. i guess it's easier to ask people to just stop "wasting" so much time watching tv than expect them to find a life-giving and fulfilling lifestyle where work and play are not so easily compartmentalized.
i know i'm a bit late in on the party...but these are SUCH important thoughts. Such important ideas. The balance is so hard to find.... as I fully believe (more and more) in the importance of rest, and of quality of life... but I also believe in offering to others and living for the good of others...and for creativity...we don't own a tv because it's a waste of time...
anyway. that's just the beginning. but yes!!! think about it. ask about it. talk about it. it's so easy to forget important things.
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